Monroe City -- Sees Creek Friday 12th Octr. [Traveled 13 miles from Pleasant Spring, east of Palmyra to See's Creek, southwest of Monroe City, Missouri.] We are now encamped on Sees Creek. The health of the Indians is considered so good that medicine has not for some time been administered to them. [Father Petit wrote that the only medicine they had was tea and sugar.] Subsistence beef and flour. Forage corn and corn fodder. The Indian horses grazed through the woods. The wagon left behind yesterday came up this evening after dark. Gen. A Morgan, who has heretofore been acting in the capacity of Assistant Superintendent in the emigration, gave notice that he should offer his resignation tomorrow. ![]() Located north of Monroe City, at Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church, corner of county roads 238 and 240. Pictured above: Josephine and Clifford Gander, who live on a farm crossed by Sees Creek, helped with this marker. The engraved monument was erected in 1999 by George Wesselhoft and family, Lowell, Indiana, member of Citizen Potawatomi Nation and a descendant of Abram Burnett who was on the 1838 Trail of Death. (Photo by Larry Prichard, Lynn, Indiana, on Trail of Death Commemorative Caravan, 2003.) From Mt. Vernon Church turn right (west) on Co Rd 240 and go 1 mile to junction Co Rd 240/245. Turn right (west) on Co Rd 240 and go one mile to Hwy Z. Turn left (south) and go 4 ½ mile to north edge of Monroe City. |
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